Authentication via HTTP header

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  graphql: {
    clients: {
      default: {
        endpoint: '',
        options: {
          headers: {
            authorization: 'Bearer MY_TOKEN',

Incrementally setting headers

If you want to set headers after the GraphQLClient has been initialised, you can use the setHeader() or setHeaders() functions.

const { $graphql } = useNuxtApp();

// Override all existing headers
$graphql.default.setHeaders({ authorization: 'Bearer MY_TOKEN' });

// Set a single header
$graphql.default.setHeader('authorization', 'Bearer MY_TOKEN');

Set endpoint

If you want to change the endpoint after the GraphQLClient has been initialised, you can use the setEndpoint() function.

const { $graphql } = useNuxtApp();



It is possible to pass custom headers for each request. request() and rawRequest() accept a header object as the third parameter

<script setup>
import { gql } from 'nuxt-graphql-request/utils';

const { $graphql } = useNuxtApp();

const requestHeaders = {
  authorization: 'Bearer MY_TOKEN',

const planets = ref();

const fetchSomething = async () => {
  const query = gql`
    query planets {
      allPlanets {
        planets {

  // Overrides the clients headers with the passed values
  const data = await $graphql.default.request(query, {}, requestHeaders);
  planets.value = data.allPlanets.planets;
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Wed, Apr 3, 2024